Home Carpe Diem Archives Carpe Diem: 2016.04.04 THANK YOU(?) MR. TRUMP

Carpe Diem: 2016.04.04 THANK YOU(?) MR. TRUMP

by James A. Clapp


Unreconstructed Italian Fascists will still insist that Mussolini drained the marshes and got the trains running on time. Will there ever be a residue of gratitude merited by his contemporary reincarnation in the arrogant mound of narcissistic feces that aspires to make America as great as the once reviled Roman Empire?

Curiously, I find myself taking a peculiar satisfaction in the daily reportage of the hateful and mendacious rhetoric of The Donald, followed by the thuggish behavior of his following of zombies that have elevated this spoiled twerp who measures the worth of everything with a dollar and trophy wives. In a perverse and counterintuitive way Trump might be doing America a favor—not by making it great again (if it ever was), but by dragging out into the light the feculent, ugly, racist underbelly that is a descriptive of a large percentage of the American people.

We are an arrogant people, a national Trump in many regards that bullies other nations with its military might and lords it above them with its Judeo-Christian-ism. When a Trump rally screams “n****r-lover,” “commie,” and gender slurs at protestors, and gleefully pummels and pepper-sprays them, it shows the world (or confirms what it already knows) what low-life forms many—too many—Americans are. That exposition will matter little with the Trump legions, who just might be ready to take us further into their violent manners if they don’t get their way. Most of them are already their leader’s beloved “under-educated,” pasty-faced dim-wits who don’t even understand that nothing great awaits them in a Trumpish America, only a country that might mirror the ignorance of their duce and further their descent into self-degradation.

Hopefully, we will not have to hit bottom in order to bounce back—not if Trump brings us close enough to see it coming and recognize it for what Pogo long ago told us it was. For that we might be grateful.

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Randall 2016-04-04 - 7:02 pm

All swagger, no substance.

Il Douche.

James A. Clapp 2016-04-04 - 7:12 pm

Il Douche. Damn, why didn’t I think of that. Randall, you haven’t lost your touch.

bob rhine 2016-04-04 - 9:19 pm

Ladbrokes odds…don’t worry.

2016 Election Winner
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders
Ted Cruz
John Kasich

James A. Clapp 2016-04-04 - 10:25 pm

I’ll see my bookie tomorrow.

Randall 2016-04-07 - 3:30 pm

Feel perfectly free to steal that, James.

James A. Clapp 2016-04-07 - 4:07 pm

Randall, OK,but with attribution.

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