The Trump administration has just managed to get passed with he assistance of his Republican toadies in Congress legislation that will allow our Internet providers (already a cartel) to sell…
James A. Clapp
The laws of economics are not as immutable and transcendent as those of Nature (they are, after all, human “laws”); but sometimes they have an ironic sensibility. Take, for example,…
Remember Don Fanucci in the Godfather II? No? OK, he was the guy in the white suit in the old NY Little Italy who, as he liked to say, “wet…
Goodbye Barry, I have written nearly two dozen pieces about you and your presidency in these pages. But this is the first (and probably last) addressed directly to you. Like…
The Bolts are bolting, setting off to the north in search of higher profits and perhaps a stadium with “sky boxes” for big money types who like nachos and a…
T’is the season for blessings and blasphemies. That is my suggested “war on Xmas” replacement for “Merry Xmas, although it doesn’t exactly trip off the tongue. But it’s a more…
Since this past November 8 I have been mulling over the mentality of the Trump voter. For some reason this old joke kept coming to mind. It goes as…
I recently received a letter (not in email; a paper letter) from one of my granddaughters. It is a treasure that will keep, as I have for many years…
November 9 was an epiphany day for me in some ways. I have not watched a news program, MSNBC, or listed to an NPR or PBS broadcast since that day.…