Carpe Diem Archives Carpe Diem: 2015.08.26 by James A. Clapp 2015-08-26 written by James A. Clapp 2015-08-26 8.26.2015 The “character’ of Chinese woman. © UrbisMedia-Ltd. 2013 0 comment 0 previous post Vol.96.3: TWO JIMMYS next post Vol.96.4: Retired Thoughts on Labor Day (reprise of 67.6) You may also like Carpe Diem: 2020.08.23 UDDERLY MIRACULOUS 2020-08-23 Carpe Diem: 2020.05.20 Pandemic Inklings 2020-05-20 Carpe Diem: 2020.05.15 PANDEMIC INKLINGS 2020-05-14 Carpe Diem: 2020.04.12 HE IS RISEN (AGAIN) 2020-04-11 Carpe Diem: 2020.04.06 PANDEMIC NOTES 2 2020-04-06 Carpe Diem: 2020.04.01 2020 PANDEMIC NOTES 1 2020-04-01 Carpe Diem: 2020.03.3 Another Surrender 2020-03-03 Carpe Diem: 2020.O2.12 HE IS THE LAW 2020-02-12 Carpe Diem: 2019.11.19 NO WONDER 2019-11-19 Carpe Diem: 20159.10.29 BONESPUR’S BETRAYAL 2019-10-29