Home delivery in Bangkok’s district of canals. ©2004 UrbisMedia
While what city we were born in or hail from can affect how we are perceived (the ‘pushy” New Yorker, ‘laid-back’ Angeleno, or ‘irascible’ Parisian), what specific neighborhoods or districts we live in or work in within our cities can carry rather specific, if not necessarily accurate, impressionistic baggage. A ‘Brooklynite’ is not simply a New Yorker, but a particular species of the genus. To be from specific arrondisements in Paris is widely regarded as having “a good address,” or from the ‘Latin Quarter,’ can convey something of one’s income or social status. South Philadelphia still has the reputation of producing good prizefighters; “Cockney’s” are ‘produced’ by being born within the sounds of the bells of the church of St. Mary-le-Bow.
Districts in cities can form around a variety of factors that influence land use: race, ethnicity, topography, wealth, and social status. Below is a score of districts and neighborhoods from cities around the world. Match the names of the cities they help to compose.
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©2004, ©2015, James A. Clapp (UrbisMedia Ltd. Pub. 1.1.2004)