DCJ’s Asian Bureau Chief, Ba Feng Gu, who is fluent in Vietnamese, spoke with former North Vietnamese Prison Guard (and now proprietor of Cao’s Oodles of Noodles Diner in Hanoi)…
# Journal Entry
The “dismal science” is producing some real doomsayers these days. Doomsayer-ness is, of course, directly proportional to the amount of personal income (including stock options, executive jets and golden parachutes…
Three posters in shop windows in a mall in Hong Kong. Getting white is a big business in Hong Kong, and products abound to get that bleached look. Laneige is…
Nothing owes its preciousness to rarity more than Truth.* When I watched Susan Eisenhower, granddaughter of the late Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower, endorsing Barak Obama at the Democratic National…
Ever wonder where does all that wealth goes when the hundreds of billions, perhaps trillions just “go away”? Well the big boys at Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Bothers and…
Is that the last face I am ever to see; that Iraqi kid? He must be no more that twelve, and wearing some knock-off Michael Jordon No. 23 jersey, cheapo…
Every four years my mind resets the same questions: Are most American people incredibly stupid? And, does the American political system ensure that its people will ultimately make the choices…
When Hillary Clinton’s ad people came up with the now infamous “3AM Phone Call” to suggest that Barrak Obama would not be ready because if : “inexperience” to take a…
Historic as the nomination of Barrak Obama as the first African-American presidential nominee by a major political party might be, in a number of respects this election and its primaries…
“The new appointee was known to have behaved disgracefully with pupils since 1629, some fifteen years earlier. He repeatedly betrayed the trust laid on him as a priest and a…